Dental Services
SLEEP APNEA AND SNORINGSleep Apnea and Snoring
Do you find a CPAP machine cumbersome? Are you using your current CPAP machine? Are you still having difficulty sleeping? A TAP/PAP oral appliance could be the perfect solution. The TAP/PAP appliance fits comfortably over your upper and lower teeth allowing better airflow and in return, much better sleep.
Snoring, commonly known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, involves soft tissue collapsing over the throat. In situations like this, airflow can be inhibited for several seconds while sleeping, reducing oxygen intake that can affect vital organs. The lack of oxygen and affected organs can diminish your energy and induce fatigue. A customized oral device is designed to advance the lower jaw; therefore, the soft tissue no longer blocks the airway, and snoring is reduced.

1 Thessalonians 2:12
encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.
2745 Delta Oaks Drive
Eugene, OR 97408
205 Macy Street
Harrisburg, OR 97446