Dental Services
Why would I need Periodontal Treatment?
If a patient has not had regular dental cleaning for an extended period of time, plaque will accumulate. This plaque can calcify over time and form calculus. The calculus cannot be removed by brushing; it requires the skills of a dentist or dental hygienist for removal of the build-up.
Why do I need the Calculus removed?
Those that suffer from large amounts of calculus may also experience red, irritated, or bleeding gums. By removing the calculus build-up, the gums will heal and become healthier. Bad breath can also be eliminated and recessed gums improved following a deep cleaning. These issues can be stopped or minimized and improve the function and the aesthetics of your natural smile.

1 Thessalonians 2:12
encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.
2745 Delta Oaks Drive
Eugene, OR 97408
205 Macy Street
Harrisburg, OR 97446