Dental Services
Kids are some of our favorite patients to treat. We like to start with “Happy Visits.” Usually, when mom or dad gets their teeth cleaned, we encourage their children to begin looking at their teeth. At Magnuson Dental, we would like the kids to have positive dental care experience. Toy prizes, fun tooth polish flavors, and even balloon animals are used to put children at ease, so they have fond memories of their visit to the dentist.
When fillings or crowns are required, inhalation sedation or nitrous oxide are options to reduce anxiety and relax the patient. See Inhalation Sedation for additional information. Our ultimate goal is to have non-scary, enjoyable dental appointments that have children excited to have their teeth cleaned. Our staff works with children and parents to maintain or improve home oral hygiene to help prevent decay or gum disease.

1 Thessalonians 2:12
encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.
2745 Delta Oaks Drive
Eugene, OR 97408
205 Macy Street
Harrisburg, OR 97446