Dental Services
EXTRACTIONSExtractions and Bone Grafting
Removal of a tooth may be necessary for several reasons, including decay, fractures, or periodontal issues. A surgical procedure may be required to remove the tooth and its roots.
A bone graft is done to replace missing bone or defective areas. There are a few options available to replace the area of concern: the patient’s bone, artificial bone, or a natural substitute. During extraction, a bone graft is often required to prepare for an implant or bridge, allowing the best aesthetic and functional outcome.
The areas of missing teeth may incur bone loss due to the teeth no longer stimulating the area. Over time the graft transitions into the patient’s bone, allowing implant placement. The height and width of bone added or restored can create suitable conditions for dental implants.
Please note: Not all patients are candidates for dental implants.

1 Thessalonians 2:12
encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.
2745 Delta Oaks Drive
Eugene, OR 97408
205 Macy Street
Harrisburg, OR 97446