Dental Services
CROWNS AND BRIDGESCrowns and bridges
Same Appointment Crowns
There are many restoration options when considering a crown. Same Appointment Crowns made with CEREC CAD/CAM technology are porcelain crowns glazed are matched perfectly to your existing natural teeth. Cracked, damaged, decayed, or even missing teeth can be replaced to create a beautiful smile. No need to return for another dental appointment. CEREC crowns are prepared in-office with precision on your initial visit. No temporary crown, no old school impression, no multiple visits, just perfection.
Additional Crown Options
Do you have older style crowns and need one or more replaced? Sometimes, using different materials for crowns are necessary to maintain the aesthetic that you prefer. Therefore, porcelain fused to metal or full contour gold crowns are still options if determined; these styles are best for your situation.
Have a missing tooth? Is an implant not the right option for you? A bridge is a great way to add a missing tooth with just a few appointments. By preparing each tooth adjacent to the missing tooth, we can customize a set of crowns that are connected and fill the area with the bridge. The aesthetics and contour can match all your existing natural teeth and smile.

1 Thessalonians 2:12
encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.
2745 Delta Oaks Drive
Eugene, OR 97408
205 Macy Street
Harrisburg, OR 97446